Friday, September 26, 2008

Project meeting in France - Programme Draft

Hello friends
I had a meeting with my three colleagues (Michel Gougain, Venera Thevenot, Colette Bourgeois) who shall be working on the project.
We talked about our programme for La Ravoire.
We decided to include the following activities:
a) a meeting for all participants (both students and teachers) in which students present themselves, their school, their town and region.
b) the projection of Ken Loach's film 'It's a Free World' at the local cinema followed by a debate.
c) a 'round table' discussion in which two immigrants will be invited to the lycée to talk about their experience of leaving their homeland to settle in another country.
Students will of course be invited to participate.
d) a meeting with students and teachers to design the final version of the questionnaire which aims to find how positively immigrants are perceived in their country.Ideally each team of students will come with a questionnaire prepared beforehand to facilitate the design of the common one.
e) students will have an opportunity to attend two classes either with their exchange partner or another suitable class. During this time teachers from the six schools will meet to draw conclusions concerning progress so far and discuss work to be achieved by the second meeting in Romania.
f) A guided tour of Chambéry will be organised on one afternoon and Annecy on another afternoon.Pupils will spend the Saturday with their host family. Teachers will be entertained by the French team.You will of course receive the official programme for the week as soon as everything has been finalized.I have asked the 34 students in my class working on the project to prepare their profile sheets.These will be sent once they've been corrected.
Please don't hesitate to react, ask questions etc.
On September 24th a group of 40 inspectors from the County School Inspectorates and Mrs. Marinica Stoian,inspector in the Romanian Ministry of Education, Reasearch and Youth , visited our school with the aim to find out about the international projects going on in the school that had been awarded the Certificate" European School" twice so far.
The students Dora Ghita, Cristina Surducan, Vlad Birzanu, Anca Susca and Andreea Bindea presented some of the school projects: the Comenius Projects, the Bilateral Projects and Dramatis Personae Project.
The students from 11th E and 12th C also attended the meeting.
The activity was appreciated as a most beneficial one.
The guests had also nice words related to the dissemination materials exhibited along the school corridors.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Project Presentation in Romania

Today I was offered the opportunity to introduce the content of the project to all the school teachers.
We have also started to create the group for the first meeting, in France.

Friday, September 5, 2008

First Activities

Organization of teams.
The e-group for students will be created ( Romania) (
Students involved in the first mobilities will produce individual profile sheets.
Students will produce leaflets giving information about their schools, regions and countries. Preparations for the first project meeting will be made ( leaflets and PowerPoint presentations about each school, travel and accommodation arrangements).

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Project Meeting

France: 11th to 16th November 2008

General Presentation

Our starting point was that all participating countries (France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Romania and Turkey) have experienced immigration. Some countries have witnessed primarily the movement of people away from their country, others towards it. Our aim is to study the phenomenon, and by bringing our students into direct contact with some of the actors, to help them better understand the reality and help decide whether we’re moving towards greater integration.
Initially each school will collate statistics and information concerning their own citizens who have moved abroad as well as those immigrants having settled in our own countries. Graphs will be prepared and texts written to explain the changes. We’ll examine the measures taken by our respective governments to control immigration and to ensure successful integration of those already settled. We’ll design surveys to find how positively immigrants are perceived. Students will use the surveys to interview parents and classmates, conclusions drawn and comparisons made.
Each student will be set the task of finding an immigrant and interviewing him or her. These testimonies will be translated into English and the most interesting included on the common website that we shall create.
During Comenius meetings immigrants will be invited to school and students will dialogue with them.


1. Lycée du Granier, La Ravoire Cedex, France- Coordinating Institution
2. Georg Büchner-Gymnasium, Seelze, Germany
3. Polo Europeo della Conoscenza – Istituto Comprensivo Fumane “Lorenzi B.'' Fumane(Verona), Italy
4. Liceum Ogólnokształcące in Tarnów, Poland
5. Mihai Eminescu National College, Baia Mare, Romania
6.. Bursa Polis Koleji / Bursa Police College, Bursa, Turkey