Sunday, November 23, 2008

Questionnaire Immigration


1. Did any members of your family arrive as immigrants in your adopted country?
 Yes they did.  No they didn’t
2. If yes, who in your family was born elsewhere and emigrated?
 I was born in another country My parents were My grandparents were
3. Did they find it difficult to integrate in their adopted country?
 Yes, very difficult  Yes, but only at the beginning  No, not all
4. Why did they emigrate in the first place?
 For economic reasons  For political reasons
 To join other members of their family  To discover a new country
5. Do they intend at some later time to return and spend the rest of their life in their country of birth?
 Yes they do  No they don’t
6. Would you envisage emigrating to another country or will you spend the rest of your life in your homeland?
 Perhaps emigrate (go straight to question 8)
 Stay in my homeland (don’t answer question 8)
7. If you don’t want to emigrate, why not?
 I don’t want to change anything.
 I don’t want to lose the culture I was born with.
 I would miss my family and friends
8. If you envisage one day emigrating, what would your reasons be?
 I’d probably find a better job and brighter prospects abroad.
 I’d enjoy a more pleasant lifestyle (food, climate, social life etc.)
 I’d learn a new language, meet new people, discover another culture etc.
9. Do you believe a multicultural society where immigrants retain their original culture, traditions and
language is desirable?
 Yes I do  No I don’t
10. Do you think there are too many foreigners in your country?
 Yes I do  No I don’t
11. Generally speaking, has immigration had a harmful or a benefical effect on your country?
 a beneficial effect  a harmful effect  no effect
12. Do ethnic minorities suffer from racism or discrimination in your country?
 Yes they do.  No they don’t.
13. Are these problems getting worse for immigrants in your country?
 Getting worse  Not getting worse  Staying the same
14. If you had the opportunity, would you let more immigrants into your country or would you stop them?
 Let them in  Stop them
15. Are there any special programmes in your country to facilitate the integration of immigrants?
 Yes there are  No there aren’t
16. Can you give examples of these programmes?

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