Thursday, June 4, 2009

Alasdair, France

Hello everybody
The team from Chambery has now returned home after attending a wonderful conference.
A big thank you to Mariana for putting in so much to the organization.
I loved the presentations, the festive dinner and all the visits you prepared for us.
All the students also made a great effort to make the event a success.
I had the chance to speak at length to my two pupils Lea and Julie during the journey home and I can assure you they gained so much and had an unforgettable experience. They are planning to present our activities to their classmates tomorrow and will certainly do so with enthusiasm.
Well done Mariana once again!
I have started working on the sythesis of the results that students from our 6 countries prepared last Friday.
I will send it to everybody as soon as it's ready.
Best wishes and my kindest regards to all.

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